的 most important takeaway from 至关重要的谈话 was learning how to apply the strategies we were taught to make the most out of each tough interaction.

Everything DiSC Workplace

  • 谁应该参加??
  • 项目概述
  • 任何职位的个人
  • 领导团队
  • Functional or cross-functional teams (such as project teams)
  • 其他现有团队
Build more effective and productive working relationships based on an understanding of different behavioral styles. 在本课程中, you’ll use a simple profile tool designed to help you understand yourself and other people. 本课程包括一个互动的评估过程, real-world tips and practical strategies that are useful for team building, 员工的沟通, 冲突澳门皇冠赌场平台, 动机, 职业发展及其他.


  • 谁应该参加??
  • 项目概述
  • Current managers newer to leadership <3 years
  • 希望磨练技能的澳门皇冠赌场平台人员
  • 走向领导的团队成员

This program equips new leaders or those with a career desire to lead with the essential skills and tools to get work done with and through other people. 的 program is designed to help transition successfully from an individual contributor to a leader of others. Effective leaders share some common skills emphasized in this program:

  1. Self-awareness about their individual management and leadership style
  2. 创建一支致力于成功的敬业员工队伍
  3. 有效地领导他人进行变革


  • 谁应该参加??
  • 项目概述
This program is suited for leaders who need to deliver persuasive messages to internal and/or external audiences. 这包括合作委员会, 澳门皇冠赌场平台团队, leaders as well as individuals moving into new roles where communication is key.
的 session begins with a "before" video that serves as a benchmark for assessing an individual's unique speaking style. 在会议结束时, an "after" video will tangibly demonstrates each individual's growth during the program.


  • 谁应该参加??
  • 项目概述
  • 有经验的澳门皇冠赌场平台者,能监督他人
  • Must have the ability to work with their teams to create team culture and vision statements
  • Ability to create team strategy and goals and hold others accountable for them
  • Opportunity to provide ongoing feedback and coaching to team

世界正在以前所未有的速度变化. Every day leaders are making countless decisions and facing problems they’ve never encountered before. 今天的领导者必须能够:

  1. 大胆思考,快速适应
  2. 将战略转化为对团队有意义的工作
  3. 指导员工达到更高的绩效水平

引领影响力 addresses the mindset and behavioral changes needed to achieve results with and through other people. 的 领导的4个基本角色 项目内容, 与富兰克林·柯维合作, is a practical framework that helps leaders to focus their time and energy where it will have the greatest impact.


  • 谁应该参加??
  • 项目概述
  • 现任和未来的总经理和首席执行官
  • Those who aspire to become a GM or CEO in the next one to two years

以结果为导向是一篇独家文章, high caliber learning experience that was designed by and for cooperative leaders – there’s simply no other program like it.

Taught by respected North Dakota State University (NDSU) instructors, this program will help you achieve positive results through a greater understanding of governance, 金融, 战略规划/执行, 风险澳门皇冠赌场平台, 以及领导和沟通技巧. Participants are eligible to receive 8 credits that can be applied toward an MBA at NDSU. 另外, you’ll network with other cooperative leaders facing similar challenges and opportunities.

CHS对冲 programs are geared toward helping businesses and individuals better understand and establish long-term commodity price 风险澳门皇冠赌场平台. Classes are offered at specific times but can be customized and delivered on site upon request.
We offer virtual and in-person events throughout the year to keep owners informed on issues and industry topics and involved in CHS governance.
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